So You’ve finally decided to take a pole class!
What Do I wear?
We recommend to wear/ bring shorts or leggings you can pull above the knee (the more skin the better, but wear what makes you comfortable) and an athletic top. When choosing your outfit for class, remember to cover all your intimate parts! 😁
We recommend dancing barefoot for beginners but if you have heels, bring them!, We also ask that you remove any jewelry from your hands and wrists before beginning pole class
How to Prepare
If you can avoid it, DO NOT put on any type of lotion or body oil the day of class!!
This is a fitness class so please do not consume any alcohol or mind-altering substances before attending.
NO PREVIOUS DANCE/GYMNASTICS/ POLE EXPERIENCE is necessary to take a pole class. If you have some, that’s awesome! We will teach you everything there is to know about pole dancing/ fitness. Many of our students in high levels do not have any dance background and gain experience from our classes!
Please read and familiarize yourself with ALL of our studio policies!
When you arrive
If you aren’t lucky enough to find street parking, there are two hour slots when you turn onto S. Federal, or in the Elizabeth St. Parking Deck.
Open the door even if you do not see anyone through the window and lights are off. (We run classes back to back and sometimes dance with the lights down.) there is a waiting area at the front. Once you walk in, an instructor will come out and greet you.
We provide cubbies located in the lobby for you to put your extra stuff in. There is a bathroom in case you need to change when you arrive.
Please arrive 10-15 min before your first class.
What class do I sign up for?
Everyone starts in Pole 1. Here we help you create a foundation and build strength. Our goal is to help you fall in love with pole and more importantly, yourself!
To sign up: Go to the schedule tab and find any Pole 1 class that suits your schedule.
If you have prior pole experience please contact us via email so that we can correctly place you in the right level.
What to expect in our Pole 1 class
Our Pole 1 class will always start with an introduction from our instructor. They will introduce themselves, go over relevant studio announcements, studio polices, and check in with students about any medical needs. There will be a 10-15 warm up. Then the majority of class will be spent on learning foundational moves on static and spin pole. Lastly the instructor will lead students in cleaning up all equipment used for the day, wiping down poles, leaving them on static and do a small cool down before dismissing the class.
Please read and familiarize yourself with ALL our studio policies before purchasing passes and signing up for classes! By making a purchase with us it is assumed you understand and read all of our policies! If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email