About Us

Pink Ambition Pole Fitness is a welcoming, safe space to get fit and explore the mind-body connection through pole fitness and dance. As the only studio offering pole fitness classes in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and the surrounding area we are happy to welcome all individuals age 18 and above. We offer group classes as well as private lessons and private parties for any occasion! We strive to promote self-love and personal growth in our students and staff.

Follow us on IG: @Pinkambitionfitness

Connections & Certifications

Meet Our Instructors

Karen McIntyre | Owner

Karen started dancing in 2007 when she walked into a pole studio and fell in love. Certified as a pole instructor in 2009, she began her teaching career at Inner Goddess Studios and quickly became their senior pole instructor. When IGS closed its doors in 2014, Karen’s desire to share her passion with the world led her to open Pink Ambition in January 2015; she hopes others will embrace the chance to fall in love with pole as well.

She loves coaching interested students throughout the whole competition process; from shaping the idea to pumping them up backstage while waiting for their moment to shine!

Karen fully embraces her role of Pole Mama in her studio family built on love and support. When asked what her favorite aspect of being a pole instructor and studio owner is, a smile lights up her face as she replies “my babies”. Her goal is to help others discover their strength within through the challenges and accomplishments pole life brings.

When she’s not at the studio, she spends time with her amazingly supportive husband Jake and their house full of animals.

IG: @Kmcintyre125

Competition History:

PSO Atlantic 2016

1st Place | PSO Atlantic 2017|Artistic Pro

3rd Place | PSO Atlantic 2018| Championship Pro

PSO Atlantic 2019|Artistic Pro

PSO Atlantic 2022|Artistic Pro


XPERT 1 & 2 Certified

XPERT 3 & 4 Certified

Floor Flow by Marlo Fisken - In progress

Instructor Maria began her pole journey in 2011 when she first tried dancing as an alternative to long-distance running and traditional strength training. Maria uses her background as a certified Pilates instructor to help pole students reach their goals and strengthen their movements. Maria enjoys slinking about and sprinkling in seemingly effortless power moves. Ayeshas in a variety of grips and entries, low flow, base work transitions, and all things HEELS make her heart full!

IG: @Clandestine.delicateflower

Competition History:

PSO Atlantic 2016

PSO Atlantic 2017

3rd Place | PSO Liberty 2018

PSO Atlantic 2019

1st Place| PSO Atlantic 2020 | Heels Level 4 Senior

3rd Place| PSO US Nationals 2021 | Down To Flow Level 4 Senior

1st Place|PSO Northeast 2021| Low Flow Level 4 Senior

PSO Atlantic 2022|Championship Level 4 Senior

PSO Atlantic 2022|Low Flow Level 4 Senior

1st place | PSO Triangle 2023 | Heels Level 4 Master

2nd Place | PSO Atlantic 2023 | Free Dance level 4/5

1st place | (pro-qualifier) PSO Northeast 2023 | Heels level 5

PSO Nationals 2024 | Heels level 5


Liquid Motion 1.0, 2.0 and Heels Certified & Licensed

Certified Twerk Technician

Maria | Instructor

Instructor Julianna AKA Ballistic Porkchopper, like many, was terrified to try pole on her own. BUT she wanted to try it, so she threw a bachelorette party for a friend at the studio. It was love at first pole. She learned after the party that if she wanted to do something for herself she couldn’t wait around for others to join her. This was a pivotal moment in her life as the studio took her under its wings of glitter and strength! She began her pole journey shortly after that in November 2016. With a background of only team sports, she was lacking in the sense of community, growth as an athlete, and lack of motivation to work out on her own. Once she started pole she began to build strength and confidence in a way she never imagined she could. Learning new moves was an easy way to track her “Polegress” which was way better than looking at the scale or counting reps. Julianna started teaching in 2019 and thrives on the spark in a new student’s eyes when they nail their first move. Her style is “Ballistic” to say the least. Like many she was a bit worried she wouldn’t have the upper body strength for pole, but today she is a confident badass and her only regret is that she didn’t start pole sooner.

IG: @Ballistic_PorkChopper aka Santana Powers

Competition History:

3rd Place| PSO Atlantic 2018| Entertainment Level 2 Junior

PSO Atlantic 2019| Entertainment Level 3 Junior

PSO Liberty 2019| Entertainment Level 3 Junior

PSO Northeast 2021|Championship Level 3 Junior

1st Place| PSO Atlantic 2022|Championship Level 4 Junior

PSO Atlantic 2023 | Championship Level 4 Junior


XPERT 1 & 2 Certified

XPERT 3 & 4 Certified

Julianna | Instructor

Instructor V fell in love with pole in 2019 when she was on a journey for self-love and looking for new ways to appreciate her body through movement. From the first minute of her first class she knew she found her home at Pink Ambition. V’s background in gymnastics, soccer, and snowboarding helped her to excel in pole and find her own flow. She loves anything splitty or bendy and is always in pursuit of finding new ways of touching her feet to her head. In an upbeat dance style accentuated by flexible movements, all the splits, backbends, pointed toes, and complex tumbles, V embraces every dance as a celebration of self-expression!

V is also proud to be a manager at Pink Ambition Pole fitness since 2021. She takes pride in being able to organize all the studio’s shows and events, setting up collaborations with other downtown businesses, and loves finding new ways to bring the pole community together. If you ever have any questions or concerns we promise she will always have the answer!

Competition History:

1st Place|PSO Northeast 2021| Championship Level 3 Junior

2nd Place|PSO Atlantic 2022|Exotic Level 3 Junior

1st Place | PSO Northeast 2023 | All Floor All Day Level 4 Junior

PSO Nationals 2024 | Championship Level 4 Junior


XPERT 1 & 2 Certified

XPERT 3 & 4 Certified

V | Instructor | Manager

Neesh is a Physical Therapist by day, Pole Savage by night. After literally running her way through her academic career via track and field, she discovered pole as a form of fitness by scrolling on the gram! Lucky for us, once she moved to the Valley she found Pink Ambition in October 2020 and without hesitation took the stage at her first competition in 2021. Since she became an instructor in January 2022, she has found joy in combining her PT background with pole to guide her students progress! She loves watching her students grow and adding to their “pole-tential”. We are super excited to have her Savage strong-girl energy on our Instructor crew!

IG: @Polesavage

Competition History:

2nd Place|PSO Northeast 2021|Championship Level 3 Junior

3rd Place|PSO Atlantic 2022|Championship Level 4 Junior

3rd Place | PSO Northeast 2023 | Championship Level 4 Junior


XPERT 1 & 2 Certified

XPERT 3 & 4 Certified

Neesh | Instructor

Kaladia first came to the studio out of curiosity, but she kept coming back for the community pole offers. She has a passion for instructing students and being both their physical and mental support through their pole journey. No matter what level you are, you will leave her class feeling accomplished and challenged. As a performer, she aims to entertain with her ability to story tell through movement and loves to surprise the crowd with a spooky drop down the pole. Come take a class today with Kaladia!

IG: @kaladiagroove

Competition History:

1st Place|PSO Atlantic 2023|Entertainment Level 3 Junior

PSO Nationals 2024 | Entertainment Level 3 Junior


XPERT 1 & 2 Certified

XPERT 3 & 4 Certified

Certified Twerk Technician

Kaladia | Instructor

Mesmerized by the beauty of the shapes one’s body could make and flow between, pole dancing was an easy art form for Liz to fall in love with, but she never thought it was something she herself would be able to do. She found Pink Ambition during the pandemic, shortly after moving to Harrisonburg to restart her life, in the fall of 2020 when she was looking for a physical and mental outlet and a hobby to provide respite from the trials of life.

Liz took her first pole 1 class as a 39 year old,  mother of three amazing children, with no true dance history or training, very little poise or grace, having never performed in front of judges or an audience, knowing very few people in a new place, and unable to do a single pull up. Over the past 4 years, Liz has been consistently captivated, challenged, and strengthened by pole dancing, and she loves how pole always pushes her to better herself by pushing her outside the boundaries of her comfort zone. Her greatest accomplishments include developing the courage to perform on stage and building the muscles to compete with her kids in pull up competitions.

One of her favorite things about being an instructor at Pink Ambition is being able to extend the benefits of pole culture and community to every person that walks through the doors of the studio. Pole is a sport and an art form that truly welcomes all and will strengthen anyone who tries it out.

IG: @dizzypolerbear

Competition History:

PSO Atlantic 2021|Championship Level 2 Senior

2nd Place | PSO Atlantic 2023 | Championship Level 3 Master


XPERT 1 & 2 Certified

XPERT 3 & 4 Certified

Liz | Instructor

Hello from Surprise! It's Curly Fries! I've been hooked on pole dancing since 2016 and have been sharing my love for this empowering sport as an instructor since January 2024. Pole has been my guiding light, helping me discover my true self, boost my confidence, and embrace my self-worth. Believe it or not, I've started my pole journey three different times with three different bodies, each one teaching me invaluable lessons and bringing unforgettable experiences.

Teaching has ignited a new fire in me. There's nothing more rewarding than seeing my students fall in love with pole, grow their confidence, and truly enjoy themselves. In my classes, I sprinkle in some extra strength conditioning to help you find your inner strength – you'll definitely sweat, but you'll also have the time of your life. My classes are known for my quirky and unfiltered personality as well as my unwavering energy. I’m here to support you, cheer you on, and share plenty of laughs along the way. I’m honored to be part of your journey, and I can't wait to see you in the studio, ready to have a blast!

IG: @surprise_its_curly_fris

CurlFries | Instructor

Ronan started dancing in 2020, after being inspired by the other strong pole dancers in her life. She had no athletic background before starting to dance but pole quickly taught her how to trust her body and gave her a way to build strength while having fun. She bounced around between a few different studios before finding Pink Ambition in 2022. She fell in love with the studio’s strong community and the way the dancers around her encouraged her to try new things. In 2024 she joined the Pink Ambition team and has found sharing her love of dance to be incredibly rewarding. She is passionate about the way that pole inspires people to challenge self imposed limitations and think of themselves as capable individuals. As a teacher she hopes to share the same strength and confidence that pole gave her with her students.

IG: @seraphine_de_vile

Competition History:

PSO Atlantic 2024 | Heels Level 2 Junior

Ronan | Instructor

Majo | Instructor

Aleah found Pink Ambition as a student in July of 2023 and walked out of her first class knowing her life had been changed forever. In January 2025 she began her journey as an instructor, striving to ignite the passion she found in her students as well.

Coming from no dance/gymnast experience, pole was something Aleah always found mesmerizing but never pictured herself to do. She would watch videos on Instagram, day dreaming that maybe one day that could be her. She couldn’t even do a push up! Fast forward to today, and Aleah loves to prove herself wrong by learning new tricks and teaching others what their bodies are capable of.

For Aleah, pole is about taking control of your own body and finding your own ways to move. It’s about having fun and spinning your way through life.

She hopes to see you in class soon!!

IG: @raw_spins

Aleah | Instructor